Welcome to Charles Culp dot com. You can use the menu above to navigate my site. Below are some of my recent additions.
Update - 2008.07.31 - Now I'm blogging |
Looking for my blog? You can find it here. Sometime after I finish my bathroom project I will put up a new intro page to direct people in the correct location.
What's in my blog? No, not teen angst, dont' worry. I just thought it would be an easier way for me to update the type of information that I post here already, just without having to handcraft an HTML page every time. Plus, if you sign up for my RSS feed, you will get notices whenever I update something, so you'll know when to stop by.
Mostly I will be covering my bathroom conversion project, as I build my bathroom upstairs. I also hope to keep most of my current photos there. I even plan to cover some design and/or SolidWorks topics, to appease the SolidWorks bloggers. |
Update - 2007.09.23 - Backpacking in Isle Royale |

I went backpacking to Isle Royale with Norm Strain, my dad, Mike McLaughlin, Lyle Williamson, and Tom McLaughlin (above). We went for a week, and yes, it was enjoyably cold.

Also, I have stopped putting low quality JPEG images up, so hopefully everyone has high-speed internet. |
- This is, Charles Culp dot com -